Vision & Mission

RMSANZ Constitution - last updated at Annual General Meeting, November 2024

The RMSANZ is a membership-driven organisation that was initially formed to:

  • Maintain the professional identity of Rehabilitation Physicians;
  • Advocate for our patients in a way that is flexible and allows us to maintain control;
  • Preserve and build our external relationships with our allied health and nursing colleagues, with other bodies including governments and in the international rehabilitation arena; and
  • Promote professional education.


RMSANZ is a nonprofit company limited by guarantee in Australia and New Zealand, governed by a Board of Directors and a constitution. The society supports regional branches and special interest groups that have direct input to the board through an advisory council. Donations are not tax deductible and are offered to support the needs of the specialty.



The RMSANZ is a member-driven association whose mission is to advance the specialised practice of rehabilitation medicine.


In order to achieve our mission, RMSANZ will:

Facilitate continuing professional development
Enhance the professionalism of and provide support to members
Advocate for patients and the specialty
Promote the identity of the specialty
Facilitate and collaborate regarding research and innovation
Maintain and develop relationships with related parties
Govern and manage the society well