The RMSANZ Constitution was last reviewed November 2024.
As per constitution, the objects of the RMSANZ are the following:
a) to promote and advance the study and practice of Rehabilitation Medicine;
b) to foster the highest standards of training, practice, education and research in the field of Rehabilitation Medicine and disability/activity limitation and related areas, including (without limitation) by instituting and conducting courses of study for the benefit of those desiring to increase and improve their knowledge of Rehabilitation Medicine;
c) to provide forums for Members engaged in the practice of Rehabilitation Medicine and any of its special interests and related disciplines for the furtherance of standards of medical care and rehabilitation, including (without limitation) by conducting annual scientific meetings and through the establishment of Branches and SIGs;
d) to nominate from time to time representatives, selected by the Directors, to the AFRM and RACP and any other relevant bodies for membership of the STCs or any other committees of those bodies as deemed appropriate by the Directors;
e) to represent the views of Rehabilitation Physicians to other relevant bodies;
f) to maintain ongoing liaison with Federal and State Governments of Australia, the New Zealand Government and other relevant bodies to promote the development of healthcare and disability/activity limitation programs for people with disability/activity limitation;
g) to provide encouragement and support to Advanced Trainees during and after their period of training in Rehabilitation Medicine; and
h) to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.