Sponsorship and Advertising opportunities
RMSANZ hold many events and workshops throughout the year offering the opportunity for relevant organisations to sponsor. The benefits of sponsoring our events include building brand awareness for a product or service, supporting medical education and networking with speciality professionals.
This document describes the policy of RMSANZ in relation to sponsorship of RMSANZ activities and events.
This policy relates to any organisation that seeks to work with the RMSANZ.
The Rehabilitation Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand Ltd is the peak professional advocacy group for Rehabilitation Physicians which aims to facilitate professional development among its members and support them in the practice of Rehabilitation Medicine.
A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, RMSANZ is a membership driven organisation which was formed in February 2015 to:
maintain the specialty and the professional identity of Rehabilitation Physicians;
advocate on behalf of Rehabilitation Physicians to improve the health and quality of the life of people living with disability in Australia and New Zealand;
preserve and build external relationships with allied health and nursing colleagues, with other bodies including governments and in the international rehabilitation arena;
promote professional education and to provide a forum for its members to engage in the pursuit of Rehabilitation Medicine and its Special Interests;
collaborate with RACP and AFRM to support education, training and qualification of Rehabilitation Physicians in Australia and New Zealand.
In furthering its role, the RMSANZ conducts a range of activities and has a variety of relationships with other organisations. These activities range from policy development to the delivery of products and services to RMSANZ members and other health professionals.
Commercial organisations might seek to be involved in Society activities through sponsorship of educational products, activities and other events. The RMSANZ also actively seeks out relationships with others in recognition of the benefits such relationships bring in the achievement of the RMSANZ’s purpose. Those benefits may include:
Unifying the profession through relationships with like-minded groups;
Enabling a stronger advocacy voice in association with others;
Enhancing the credibility of RMSANZ with other parties;
Providing financial and human resources to support RMSANZ activities;
Providing skills and capabilities that the RMSANZ does not possess;
Providing additional membership services.
Activities or relationships that undermine the reputation of RMSANZ in its professionalism, independence and quality should be avoided. Any diminishment of the RMSANZ reputation will impede its ability to achieve its purpose and pursue its Objects as defined by the RMSANZ Constitution.
In considering sponsorship, the following definitions apply:
A sponsor is a business enterprise aiming to use its marketing budget more effectively to directly target a key audience with its messages.
Sponsorship is
a negotiated agreement between the RMSANZ and the sponsor, where the RMSANZ receives either funds, goods or services from the sponsor.
The RMSANZ providing the sponsor with publicity or other benefits in return for the funds, goods or services received.
Part of a planned approach by the RMSANZ, not an ad hoc donation or gift of funds, goods or services by an enterprise.
A sponsorship agreement is a written document produced by the RMSANZ outlining:
The funds, goods or services the sponsor agrees to provide.
The publicity or benefits the RMSANZ agrees to provide.
The length of time the sponsorship is valid.
Any terms and conditions of the sponsorship.
A sponsorship proposal is targeted documentation sent to sponsors and potential sponsors which consists of information about the proposed sponsored event/activity including:
Purpose of the event/activity
Members likely to attend the event/activity
Location of the event/activity
Guests/speakers of interest at the event/activity
Benefits of sponsoring the event/activity
The sponsorship monies (or value of goods or services) being sought, and the publicity or benefits the RMSANZ agrees to provide to the sponsor
Information about the RMSANZ, where applicable
A Confirmation of Sponsorship form
The following principles should guide decisions about the kinds of activities the RMSANZ undertakes and about its relationships with other parties, with the objective of ensuring the integrity and good reputation of the RMSANZ.
The RMSANZ rigorously and actively pursues its mission and seek out relationships with others to achieve its goals. However, any activities or relationships that could tarnish the integrity or reputation of RMSANZ or the medical profession or that would diminish the trust placed in them should be avoided.
Conformity with RMSANZ Purpose
The activity or relationship should support or further the Objects of RMSANZ as defined in the RMSANZ Constitution, particularly the following:
Advance the practice and study of Rehabilitation Medicine
Foster the highest standards of learning, training, skills, practice, teaching and research in Rehabilitation Medicine and related fields.
Encourage and assist education and research that improve the knowledge and skills and raises the standards of learning within Rehabilitation Medicine;
Publish or support the publication of resources related to rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Medicine; and
Promote collegiality among members.
The RMSANZ holds itself to be, and encourages reliance that it is, an organisation that pursues its specified purposes.
Activities and relationships that do not further or support the Objects of RMSANZ have the potential to thwart these purposes in a number of ways, including inadequate accountability, inappropriate use of resources, unconstrained exercise of merely private judgment or inappropriate self-interest.
Medical professionalism and ethics
The activity or relationship should be consistent with Rehabilitation Medicine professionalism.
The RMSANZ is an association of Rehabilitation Physicians.
When the RMSANZ acts, it represents the Specialty of Rehabilitation Medicine. The RMSANZ actions reflect upon the Rehabilitation Medicine profession.
The stature and reputation of RMSANZ are inextricably linked to the professional work of Rehabilitation Physicians, the professional stature of its member practitioners and the trust placed in them by the community.
Engaging in activities or relationships that are inconsistent with Rehabilitation Medicine professionalism would erode trust in the RMSANZ.
The RMSANZ also supports the principles detailed in the Medicines Australia Code of Conduct.
The activity or relationship should not undermine the independence of RMSANZ.
To be a credible voice and influence and to be worthy of the trust and confidence of Rehabilitation Medicine and of the public, the RMSANZ should be, and be seen to be, free of undue influence and be in control of the decisions it makes.
Undue influence occurs when one is induced to do or not do something that is contrary to what one would otherwise do if left to act freely. Undue influence deprives one of free agency and destroys free will such that it is rendered more the will of another than of one’s own.
Activities and relationships that may undermine independence include:
Activities or relationships that provide revenue or benefit to the RMSANZ such that ongoing dependency on the revenue or benefit impedes independence
Activities and relationships that create a product or service that is seen to be associated with the RMSANZ but over which the RMSANZ does not have final control or veto or the capacity to extricate itself
Consistency with policy
The activity or relationship should be consistent with RMSANZ policy.
The RMSANZ develops policy in pursuance of its purpose and mission. These should be referred to when making decisions in connection with activities or relationships.
Conflicting goals and activities
Relationships with parties whose goals or activities directly conflict with the Objects, mission or vision of the RMSANZ should be avoided.
This does not preclude discussion with others or participation in events for the purposes of obtaining information, monitoring or lobbying.
Professional autonomy, independence and commitment to the scientific method must be maintained in any relationship between the RMSANZ and a sponsoring organisation.
Sponsorships will be named and acknowledged. The terms and conditions of the activity or relationship should be transparent.
Transparency promotes openness to scrutiny and serves to enhance accountability and to discourage relationships or activities that could be considered problematic.
The principle is generally applicable except in connection to matters related to competitive advantage, trade secret or a reasonable agreement of confidentiality.
Compliance and accountability
Processes must be in place to ensure that proposed and ongoing activities or relationships are appropriately reviewed for compliance with the principles and there must be clear accountability for these principles.
This policy will be reviewed every three (3) years or sooner if required by the Board.
The RMSANZ manages sponsorship as a principled and strategic approach which is of mutual benefit to members.
If you would like to advertise a current position available for a rehab registrar or an AFRM fellow please see rate card below. Positions vacant are displayed on the website and circulated to our membership via our monthly newsletter.
Please click here for information regarding Advertising Rates and Indemnity form.